
work in progress





Jack Body

Jack Body (1944 - 2015) studied at Auckland University, in Cologne and at the Institute of Sonology, Utrecht. During 1976 - 77 he was a guest lecturer at the Akademi Musik Indonesia, Yogyakarta, and from 1980 to 2010 he lectured at the School of Music, Victoria University of Wellington, now the New Zealand School of Music.

His music covers most genres, including solo and chamber music, orchestral music, music-theatre, music for dance and film as well as electroacoustic music. He also worked in experimental photography and computer-controlled sound-image installations, having received commissions from several public galleries. A fascination with the music and cultures of Asia, particularly Indonesia, was a strong influence on his music. As an ethnomusicologist his published recordings include music from Indonesia and China. One landmark publication he edited was South of the Clouds, field recordings of Prof Zhang Xingrong (Yunnan Art Institute), of instrumental music of the minorities of South West China (Ode Records, 2003).

Flight (ACD709)

Notes from a Journey (ACD118)

O Cambodia (ACD541)

Pink and White (ACD605)

Ritual Auras (ACD842)

Rozmowa / Dialogue (ACD742)

Sarajevo (ACD217)

Songs of Death and Desire (ACD414)